The CITIES’ Post-graduation Research Fellowship in the Center of Interacting Urban Networks (CITIEs) at NYU Abu Dhabi is designed to support an exceptional NYUAD graduating senior by providing a competitive opportunity for a prestigious one-year fellowship at NYUAD. This fellowship aims to encourage ingenuity in research pursuit, retain outstanding academic talent within the region, and contribute to the growth and development of research in the UAE. It is an excellent opportunity for students to explore research directions and graduate school possibilities, specifically in the area of urban science, spanning disciplines from Engineering through Computer Science, Sociology, History, and the Arts.
The first CITIES fellows were appointed in AY 20-21. Thanks to their talent and to the fellowship experience, they were accepted to the University of California Berkeley and MIT to pursue their studies.
CITIES Fellows from AY 21-22 were admitted to the Masters in Digital and Interaction Design at the School of Design at Politecnico di Milano and to UC Berkeley for the MS program in Transportation Engineering.