
Center fоr Interacting Urban Networks

CITIES’ Post-Graduation Practical Training Program

In June 2021, CITIES activated several PPTP (Post-Graduation Practical Training Program) positions exploring new areas of investigation and promoting collaboration with other NYUAD research centers and labs.

In the Post-Graduation Practical Training Program (PPTP), faculty supervisors appoint graduating NYU Abu Dhabi seniors to work on research projects in the summer following their graduation.

Students’ duties may include working in laboratories and assisting with research projects. PPTP is a popular program on campus, with the number of participating students growing each year.

Students work on campus in full-time, paid positions, performing research under the direct supervision of a faculty member, ensuring each student gets regular mentorship and guidance. The program hosts an orientation session for students prior to graduation. 

After completing the Post-Graduation Practical Training Program, students are well-prepared to continue research in graduate school or to work in their field of study. 

Stay tuned for the new openings of Summer 2022.