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- Ambühl, L., Menendez, M. and González, M.C. (2023) Understanding congestion propagation by combining percolation theory with the macroscopic fundamental diagram, Communications Physics, (26) 6.
- Balsa-Barreiro, J., Wang, S., Tu, J., Li, Y., and Menendez, M. (2023) Editorial: The Nexus between Innovation and Environmental Sustainability, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11 (2023): 1194703.
- Batista, S. F. A., Ameli, M. and Menendez, M. (2023) On the characterization of eco-friendly paths for regional networks, IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 4: 204-215.
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- Khan, Z.S., He, W. and Menendez, M. (2023) Application of modular vehicle technology to mitigate bus bunching, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 146: 103953.
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- Marlow, T., Makovi, K. (2023) Non-transformative climate policy options decrease conservative support for renewable energy in the U.S, Environmental Research Letters, (18): 024002.
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- Batista, S.F.A., Ingole, D., Leclercq, L., & Menendez, M. (2022) The role of trip lengths calibration in model-based perimeter control strategies. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23 (6): 5176-5186.
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